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"Quantum technology will be the new industrial revolution", predicts Martin Lippert, Group CEO
"Quantum technology will be the new industrial revolution", predicts Martin Lippert, Group CEO

Press release -

GlobalConnect involved in a large project about the super technology of the future

GlobalConnect’s knowledge in secure, digital infrastructure in the Nordics, has led to the possibility to join the Danish critical infrastructure project QCI.DK (The Danish Quantum Communication Infrastructure). The project works to establish the infrastructure that can secure Danish communication in the future, when the giant quantum computers soon make their way into the world.

The project is part of the large pan-European project EuroQCI. EuroQCI has a total investment framework of 258 MEUR and the Danish project has a framework of 6 MEUR. In the Danish project, i.a. more than 200 km of secure fiber network, which GlobalConnect, which operates half of all internet traffic in the Nordics, must deliver and test.

The actors are – in addition to GlobalConnect – DTU, University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark, Danish e-Infrastructure Consortium and Sparrow Quantum.

The Danish Quantum Communication Infrastructure is the national Danish contribution to the pan-European infrastructure EuroQCI, whose purpose is to establish a pan-European quantum secure communication network. The project is financed by the European Commission under the Digital Europe program and by the Danish government. It is a close collaboration between Danish universities, companies and public authorities.

"The quantum race is really moving right now in the world. It will be the new industrial revolution that will change a lot in our society. Our online banking and our mobile phone, for example, become open like a door, and so do many other sensitive areas. Denmark is doing well in quantum technology. But we have to be better. Much better. Therefore, we at GlobalConnect find it very important that this project has been started, and we are happy to be able to make our contribution with our knowledge to creating the next generation of secure communication infrastructure in Denmark and the EU," says Martin Lippert, CEO in GlobalConnect.

In QCI.DK, a quantum-secure metropolitan network is established between five Danish public authorities and two associated data centers in the Copenhagen area. In addition, the infrastructure will include a 200 km long-distance link connecting three participating university partners via the metropolitan network.

QCI.DK will combine three different kinds of QKD – quantum key distribution – and it is a secure communication method that implements a cryptographic protocol involving components from quantum mechanics.


About GlobalConnect
GlobalConnect is one of the leading digital infrastructure and data communication providers in the Nordic region, driving more than half of all data traffic in and out of the Nordics. GlobalConnect delivers fiber-based broadband services to more than 800,000 private consumers and end-to-end connectivity solutions to 30,000 B2B customers via its 185,000 kilometer fiber network across Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Finland. GlobalConnect employs approximately 2,000 people and had a turnover of EUR 673.1 million in 2022.


Rikke Juul Rokkedal Therkildsen

Rikke Juul Rokkedal Therkildsen

Press contact Group Communications Director +45 4177 7742